The FOUNDATION carries out non-profit activities under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 to attain the following objectives:
- To promote scientific research in the field of Public policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem, and to contribute to its national and international development. Public policy and Public administration’s ecosystem include Political science, Management, Law, Economics, Philosophy, Art, Culture, Literature, Education, Public health, Social welfare, Environmental protection, and Climate change etc.
- To organize regular national and international seminars, conferences, symposia and workshops on Public Policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience among scholars, researchers and practitioners with a view to evolving and refining conceptual perspectives in the changed global scenario.
- To act as an international network/ think tank of scholars, researchers and practitioners from Public Policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem to facilitate the worldwide exchange of knowledge for mutual benefit.
- To work on various national/international Governmental/non-Governmental projects, research studies, surveys, issues and agendas and to provide support and consultancy to other organizations in various areas of Public Policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem.
- To establish and operate training and research centres and educational institutions for the promotion of scientific research and quality education.
- To publish books, reports, scientific journals, magazines and other mediums of communication such as websites, newsletters, and social networks etc. for the promotion of research in the fields of Public policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem.
- To undertake other relevant activities in the field of Public Policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem for the promotion of scientific research in these areas and for the furtherance of the objectives of the Foundation.
- Charitable objectives : The IPARN FOUNDATION will carry out the following activities defined as charitable under u/s. 2(15) of the Income Tax Act, 1961:
- Relief (including medical relief) to the poor and marginalised sections of society.
- Empowerment of women and development of children from the weaker sections of society.
- Preservation of the environment (including watersheds, forests and wildlife).
These objectives would be achieved from the various grants received from the Central and State Governments and donations received from individuals, organizations and the government.
The FOUNDATION will not pursue any activity with the object of earning a profit, it’s main aim is to carry on the above-mentioned objectives, all the funds of the foundation shall be exclusively utilized for achieving the said object and none of the activity of the foundation will be carried out on commercial basis and no object of the FOUNDATION will be carried out without obtaining the prior approval or no objection from the concerned authority.