IPARN Foundation (Integrated Policy and Administrative Research Networking Foundation) is a non-profit organisation which was set up in August 2019 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India. It is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India as a Non-Profit Section-8 Company under the Companies Act, 2013 to promote scientific research and exchange of knowledge in the field of Public Policy and Public Administration, and its ecosystem, and to contribute to its national and international development.
Why the IPARN Foundation was needed?
There is an acute shortage of institutions which can produce sustainable and beneficial policies for its citizens, in India. For example, there is a non-existent environmental policy for the preservation of ecology and the environment in our country. Similarly, there is no concrete policy in the Public Health and Mental health sector. The domain of Public Administration which has the responsibility for the transformation of Administrative and policy procedures and machinery is also not in good condition.
The policy proposed by IPARN FOUNDATION in consistency with organizations, institutions and policy-making bodies will be directed towards dissemination leading to up-scaling at the policy level. Nevertheless, the existing policies will be revisited for up-gradation as the need may be, in coordination with the policy-making bodies. IPARN FOUNDATION is dedicated to formulating and proposing innovative, scalable, sustainable policies as promising practices for better Administration and public operations and behaviour.
The IPARN FOUNDATION endeavours to find scope in bringing about apt policies suitable for its citizens and its state. This would be done through good quality research and undertaking robust methodologies. From local to global, IPARN FOUNDATION would focus on proposing and formulating effective and sustainable Eco-friendly courses of action which have the potential to solve overarching problems from the grassroots to the global levels.
IPARN FOUNDATION is an outcome of an association of experienced academicians, researchers and bureaucrats from around the globe. The best practices from across the nations are frequently discussed and compared for producing effective solutions at the policy level. Moreover, the vision of its members is to make a sustainable future for a better world. The growing network of members has unique thinking and viewpoints towards Administrative and Policy developments.